How To Create a blog, and become a successful blogger: You want to create a Blog free, then you are absolutely right place , I will teach you how to Create a Blog easy, step by step information on how to start a blog? So we are telling you how to Create a blog.
How To Create a Blog?
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In this article you will find my free (free)) guide to show you how to create a blog , It should be beautiful, engaging (user friendly) and functional, now here i will show you all one by one easy step-by-step tutorial (with pictures).
Ready to start learning How to Create a Blog?
And now I’m going to tell you how to start blogging in easy language?. I am creating blogs and websites since 2018. In that time I have launched several blogs of my own, and have helped many numbers of my viewers of others to do the same. I know that Create a Blog (very easy) can seem .
Free Guide is About Blogging for Beginners
Overwhelming and intimidating. This free guide is about blogging for beginners who are just getting started, and will tell you all how to become a blogger with only the most basic computer skills (basic computer knowledge). So whether you are 9 or 99, you can easily create your blog in less than 25 minutes.
Know How to Create a Blog?
There is no shame in accepting that when I was learning my own blog for the first time, then I had made thousand mistakes. You can benefit from my experience, so that you do not repeat these mistakes while creating your blog. I created this free guide so that anyone can learn how to create a blog quickly and easily and if you get stuck at any point,
Anyone send me a message and I will do my best to help. Fir of all we khonw about
What is a blog?
In short, (in simple terms, a blog is a kind of website that focuses primarily on written content (also known as blog posts). We often talk about news blogs or celebrity blog sites. , There are many types of Blogs. But as you all see in this guide, you can start a successful blog by imagining any topic.

Blogger often writes in a personal perspective (only about yourself) that allows them to connect directly to their readers. Additionally, most blogger blogs have a “comment” section (part) where readers can match bloggers. Interacting with your readers in the comments section (comment section) helps in furthering the information between the blogger and the reader.
Main Benefits of Starting a Blog
His direct link to the reader is one of the main benefits of starting a blog. This connection engagement allows you to discuss and share your understanding and understanding with other people with similar ideology. It also allows you to build trust with yourself and your readers. By keeping faith and loyalty towards your readers, the door to earn money from your blog also opens, which is discussed in this guide step-by-step afterwards.
Should You Start Your Own Blog?
One of the misconceptions about starting your blog is that you need to be a great great writer in order to be meaningful. But nothing can be further from the truth. People read blogs to get personal views (their own view) on things, so most bloggers write in a very informal and interactive style.
No need to be very technical to make a blog
In addition, you no longer need to be very knowledgeable on your subject to create a successful blog. For example, readers of a cooking blog and do not want to read a textbook from a food scientist, they want to listen to the experiences (experienced) of someone who has actually cooked some real food. And there is good knowledge too.
Blogging is about sharing your knowledge with the world
To become a successful blogger really needs just one thing: a passion for your subject.
In its heart, blogging is about sharing your knowledge with the world. Choosing a topic about which you are passionate, makes the process of starting a successful blog so easy. Writing about more than one topic is perfectly fine. Unless you are writing about the things in which you are really interested, your passion will shine and your readers will be interested.
After Create a Blog
Blogging can be quite attractive if done correctly. The world’s top bloggers obviously earn a lot, but even a part-time blogger can expect to earn a good profit if things are done correctly. The best thing about it is that blogging is a form of passive income, as you can spend just a few hours a week to write a blog post and then keep making money from it even after the blog post is written. I later go to this guide in more detail about how to blog for money.

Share Your Story A blog allows you to listen and listen
Share Your Story A blog allows you to listen and listen. You can share your story with the whole world if you choose. One of the most common ways is to use a blog as a diary where bloggers write about their daily experiences so that friends, family and all can become part of their lives.
Recognition for yourself or your business, because of your latest blog post, you probably do not have paparazzi around you.
But a successful blog can give you a ton of identification in your respective area. Many bloggers are known as experts due to their blogs, and some have also received book and movie deals based on their blogs.
The good news is that the internet is still exploding with development. More people are online than before. This explosion in growth means more potential readers for your blog. In short, if you are thinking of starting a blog, then there is no better time than now.
How Do You Start A blog?
Learn how to start a blog in these 6 steps.
Follow these steps to know how to create a blog in about 25 minutes.
- Choose a blog name. Choose Descriptive.
- Get your blog online. Register your blog and get the hosting.
- Customize your blog. Choose a free template and tweet it.
- How to write a BlogPost and Publish it?
- Promote your blog. Contact more people to read your blog.
- Make Money From Blogging. Choose from several options to monetize your blog
1. Choose A Blog Name. |
The first step to finding a good blog name is choosing your topic.

If you are not sure what a blog is about, there are some ways to find a good blog topic:
- Hobbies and passion A hobby or other interests you are passionate about is a great place to be. Cooking, travel, fashion, sports, and cars are all classic examples. But even blogs about more obscure hobbies can be successful, because your audience is literally anyone in the world with the internet.
- Life experiences all have lessons learned through life experience. Sharing this knowledge can be incredibly helpful for others in similar situations.
- For example, I recently helped to start a blog about a woman being a fireman’s wife. To share with others in this subject, he has many experiences and knowledge, and has helped him to connect with others in similar circumstances.
- Think about the things you have experienced in life.
- It may be related to your family (eg: a blog about living at home mom), work (a blog about experiences dealing with customers), or other life experiences (about dealing with a troubled time.
- A blog such as illness or divorce, or a happy time about preparing for the marriage or birth of a child).
- A personal blog. A personal blog is a blog for all of you. This will include a variety of topics, which you do on a daily basis, for random ideas and ideas. It’s a great way to share ideas with the world without just standing on one subject.
- Once you have a topic then it is time to choose your blog name.
The name of a good blog should be descriptive so that potential readers can immediately tell what is the name of your blog.
If you are about a specific subject then you would definitely like to include it in your blog name somehow. Try not to get hung up on just one word though. For example, the cooking blog does not necessarily mean the word “cooking” in it. The term “food”, “dishes”, and “food” will also tell people that your blog is about cooking.
Planning to Create a Personal Nlog
If you are planning to create a personal blog, where you discuss various topics, then I recommend using your name, or some variant of it, because your blog is about you. For example, I own a blog. If you find that your name is already taken, you can add your middle name or last name.
Once you have some blog names, you will need to choose a domain extension
1. .com domain extension is the most preferred, but .net or .org works as well. It is also important to note that you cannot have any space between words for the purposes of a blog domain.
Now that you have received your name and to ensure that it has not already entered any other, the extension has been selected to ensure:
Note: You cannot use any spaces or punctuation marks in a domain name other than a dash. If you find that the name you want is already taken, there are some things you can do:
Try a different domain extension. If the .com version is already registered, you can still get the .net or .org version of your blog name. Add small words. Words like you, “a”, “best”, “my”, or “the” for example,
Step 2: Get Your Blog Online
Now that you’ve got your name, it’s time to make your blog online. This may sound difficult or technical, but the steps below will keep you running correctly and make the process easier.
You need two things to run and run your blog: blog hosting and blogging software. The good news is that these usually come together.
A blog host is a company that stores all files for your blog and distributes it to users when they type into your blog’s name. To have a blog you must have a blog host.
You must also have software to create your blog. In this guide, I will show you how to create a blog using WordPress blogging software, because it is the most popular, customizable and easy to use.
I suggest it, and the one I show you how to use it in this guide is blahost. I personally use BlueHost and I recommend them to all new bloggers because:
They will register your blog for free for you, and ensure that no one else can take it. They provide a free, simple installation of WordPress blogging software (which I show you how to use it in this guide) He has been recommended by WordPress since 2005 and currently hosts over 2 million blogs and websites. They have 24/7 customer service via phone or web chat.
If you are dissatisfied with any reason, they have a money-back guarantee. Now that you have booked the domain and have already registered on the blog, you sign Have also done.
Step 3: Customize your blog.
If you are not already logged in, go to, Go and more webhosting company and click “Login” on the top right to bring up the login screen. You can then login using your domain name and the password set in the previous step. If you have mistaken your password, you can reset it by clicking on the “Forgot Password” link.
Once you log in, you will be taken to your Bluehost or any hosting companies’s portal. From the portal you can click on “Login WordPress” to automatically log in to your blog.
Change the design of your blog
As soon as you login, you will reach the WordPress or Google own Blogger Administrator Area. This is where you can make any changesif you want you want to your blog. Everyone has a different idea of how they want to see their blog. but One of the great things about a WordPress blog is that you can change your entire layout and design with just a few clicks.
What is a blog theme?
In WordPress, blog layouts are known as “themes”. What is a blog theme? Themes control the entire design of your blog. To change your theme in Blogger or word press you are going to click on the “Appearance” tab on the left menu.
You will see that many themes are already installed on your blog: Twenty Seventeen, Twenty Sixteen, etc. These are well-designed, clean-looking themes that can work for any type of blog.

Design for your blog
Unless you have a very specific design for your blog, I suggest that you start using one of these themes. For our example, use the theme “Twenty Sixteen”. To activate the topic on your blog, hover over the topic and click the “Activate” button. Bus! You have changed the entire design of your blog ( google owned Blogger or WordPress blog with just one click!
If you do not like any topics already established, you can easily choose from thousands more free themes. To set up a new topic, click on the “Appearance” tab on the left menu and then click on “Add New Theme”.
This is the theme search screen. There are thousands of themes to choose from. You can change your entire design at any time by activating a new topic. To find the topic of your choice, I suggest you click on the “Popular” tab and start browsing. When you find someone you click on the blue “Install” button.
Once the theme is installed, in Google owned Bloger theme or WordPress theme click “Activate” to activate the theme on your blog. To see your new topic, go to your blog and have a look!
Changing your theme is the simplest way to customize your blog, but there are lots of other customizations you can do. For a deeper step-by-step guide, see my full post on optimizing your blog. You can see the video at the end of this blog, I can see a blog to completely customize it from scratch.
4. How to write a BlogPost and Publish it?
Now that your blog is ready and it’s time to actually do some blogging! Go to the left menu and click “Post”. You will see that there is already a post there. This is a default (post in every) on every new WordPress blog, and we don’t need it. Click “Trash” at the bottom of the post to remove it.
To start writing a new post, click on the “Add new” link.
- Now you are on the post editor screen. Title of your post in the top box
- Enter and then start writing your post in the lower box.
- If you want to add a picture to your post,
- click the “Add Image” icon and click “Upload” to upload a picture from your computer. You can adjust the size of the picture on the next screen.
- When you’re ready, click “Insert to post” to add a picture.
- Once you finish your post, click on the “Publish” button at the top right of the screen to publish it.
Publish Your Blog
Even after you wrote a post, your blog is still showing the “Coming Soon” page. When you’re ready to make your blog public, click the “Bluehost” menu at the top of the menu in your admin area, and then click the blue “Launch” button to remove the “Coming Soon” page.
congratulation! Now you know how to start your own blog and publish content!
Step 5: Promote Your Blog.
Creating a well-designed blog(while Google owned Blogger or WordPres Blog ) and writing great content is just the beginning. To get readers for your blog you need to spend some time promoting it, especially when you first start.
My favorite way to bring readers to my blog is to post links to my social media account like Facebook and Twitter. This is great, because not only do your friends see the link, but if your friends share the link with their friends, it automatically multiplies your readership. If you have created high-quality content on your blog, social media is a great way to make your blog go viral.
In addition to getting new readers on your blog, you will also want to make sure that your current readers are coming back. This is where email marketing (best strategy) plays a big role. By collecting the email addresses of your visitors (with their permission), you can notify them when you post something new on your blog. This keeps people coming back to your blog, which not only gives you more readers over time, it also allows you to form close relationships with your readers.
Email marketing is a topic to cover very well here, so I created a separate guide to email marketing for those interested. More readers need to read this guide).
Step 6: Make Money with Blogging.
Once you have put in the effort to create great blog content and promote your blog, earning money from your blog is the really easy part.
There are many ways that you can get paid, from selling your blog or products services to writing reviews of products on your blog. But the easiest way to earn money from your blog is to sell advertising space.
Once you have a popular blog, advertisers will be hounding for an opportunity to advertise you. The best way( in Blog ) to take advantage of this situation is to use Google Adsense. They find advertisers for you and all you need to do is to put Google Adsense code on your blog to run ads. Google Adsense takes all the hard work out of the process and just gives you a check cut.
What more help?
I hope this guide has answered any questions you have asked about starting a blog, but if any of the steps were unclear to you, you can use each of the steps using the menu at the top right of this page. Get a more detailed version (or if you’re on a smartphone, at the bottom of this page)
If you have any issues then contact me and I will personally reply to your email.
A step by step guide on this site should give you everything you need to get started, but if you run into some issues, or just want some personal advice, please feel free to contact me anytime do not hesitate. Blogging is my passion, and I would love to talk about it with you!
Monetizing Your Blog
Once your blog has gained a significant audience, you can start monetizing it. There are many ways to monetize a blog, but the most popular methods are advertising and affiliate marketing.
Advertising involves placing ads on your blog and earning money when readers click on them. Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission when readers make a purchase through your affiliate link.
Q: What are some popular blogging platforms?
A: WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr are some of the most popular blogging platforms.
Q: How can I create quality content for my blog?
A: To create quality content for your blog, research your topic thoroughly, use subheadings to break up your content, incorporate visual elements such as images and videos, and write in-depth guides or tutorials.
Q: How can I promote my blog?
A: You can promote your blog through social media, email marketing, and guest posting on other blogs.
Q: How can I monetize my blog?
A: You can monetize your blog through advertising and affiliate marketing. Advertising involves placing ads on your blog and earning money when readers click on them. Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission when readers make a purchase through your affiliate link.
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